Screen Designer
Select Maintenance > Screen Designer > Quick Service Screen Designer or Table Service Screen Designer to access this function.
(QS only) Quick Service Screen Designer is a robust tool that enables you to create and modify the function and order entry screens you use to interact with the Aloha Point of Sale (POS) system. Screen Designer enables you to easily customize your screens for the way you do business. From designing the layout of each screen, to specifying which menu items, promotions, manager functions, and employee functions are available on a screen, Screen Designer enables you to define the entire look, feel, and function of your Aloha POS system.
Reference: Refer to the Quick Service Screen Designer Guide or the Table Service Screen Designer Guide for more information on panel types and how you can use them to build your Quick Service user interface.
Select Maintenance > Screen Designer > Table Service Screen Designer to access this function.
(TS only) The Aloha Table Service product uses hard-coded screens to maintain familiarity and a consistent screen flow; however, as the product evolves, new panels are available in Table Service Screen Designer that provide you the flexibility to customize the order entry screen to meet your business needs. Panel types available in Table Service Screen Designer include:
(TS only) Floorplan panels provide a faster way to enter and modify an order by replacing the Working with Tables screen. Build a Floorplan panel that duplicates the layout of your restaurant, including the walls and furniture. You can create a different panel for each section of the restaurant. You can also add certain button functions, such as open drawer, view tables, sales summary, and more, to a Floorplan panel.
(TS only) Order Entry panels replace the standard buttons that appear in the area located in the lower right portion of the order entry screen (Item Lookup, Recipe, Quantity, Repeat, Modify, Delete, and Hold). You can add any number of buttons to a custom Order Entry panel, but you cannot control the size of the panel or move it to another location on the screen. You can link multiple custom Order Entry panels together using ‘Chain’ buttons, essentially providing access to more functions. You can also control certain functions and which panels appear for an employee based on their job code.
(TS only) Submenu panels enable you to take advantage of the Smart Item and Smart Select button functions, which reduce the number of buttons needed on a screen. Submenu panels also make it possible to size and place buttons to fit your needs, use bitmaps, and add background and button colors to the panel.
(TS only) Modifier panels allow you to replace the standard modifier panel with one that makes it easier to enter an item sold in large quantities with multiple modifier choices, such as an item called ‘50 Wings’ where you must enter 50 wing modifiers to complete the item. or which the guest could order 50 different sauce flavors. You can also customize the modifier panel in the same way you can a custom submenu; you can size and place buttons to fit your needs, use bitmaps, and add background and button colors to the panel.
(TS only) Dashboard panels allow you to quickly view and identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and other vital statistics about the operation of your restaurant.
Reference: Refer to the Table Service Screen Designer Guide for more information on panel types and how you can use them to customize the Table Service order entry screen.
Reference: Refer to the Quick Service Screen Designer Guide for more information on customizing your QS order entry screens.