Terminated Employees
Select Maintenance > Labor > Terminated Employees to access this function.
The Terminated Employees function allows you to keep a separate record for every terminated employee in the system. The options for this function are the same as for Employees; however, you cannot create a new record. To automatically create a terminated record, access Maintenance > Labor > Employees > Status tab > and select ‘Terminated’ from the ‘Employment status’ drop-down list for an employee.
Status tab
While all tabs are available in the Terminated Employees function, you should only use this function to change the information on the Status tab.
Group Bar: Employment status
Employment status — Indicates the current work status of the employee.
Active — Indicates the employee currently works.
Pending — Indicates a new employee awaiting approval before they can become an active employee. Required Options: You must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘New hires require approval’ under the ‘Employee maintenance’ group bar to expose this option.
Terminated — Indicates the employee does not currently work. If you set the employment status back to active and save the record, the record becomes accessible only through the Employees function. Related Options: Selecting this option exposes the options under the ‘Termination’ group bar.
Group Bar: Termination
This group bar appears when you set the employment status to ‘Terminated’ and the system access type assigned to the employee is not ‘Above store only.’
Reason — Indicates the specific reason the employee no longer works for the company. Required Options: You must select Terminated in ‘Employment status’ under the ‘Employment status’ group bar to enable this option. Related Requirements: Access Maintenance > Labor > Termination Reasons to create termination reasons.
Last day — Indicates the last date the employee worked. Type the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the drop-down arrow to select the date from the calendar. Required Options: You must select Terminated in ‘Employment status’ under the ‘Employment status’ group bar to enable this option.
Eligible for rehire — Indicates the employee is eligible for rehire. Required Options: You must select Terminated in ‘Employment status’ under the ‘Employment status’ group bar to enable this option.
Explanation — Optionally expands on the reason for the employee termination. Type a maximum of 40 characters. Required Options: You must select Terminated in ‘Employment status’ under the ‘Employment status’ group bar to enable this option.
Expected return date from leave of absence — Indicates the date you expect the employee to return to work after taking an approved leave of absence. Type the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the drop-down arrow to select the date from the calendar. Required Options: You must select ‘Terminated’ in ‘Employment status’ under the ‘Employment status’ group bar to enable this option.