Fiscal Devices
Select Maintenance > Hardware > Fiscal Devices to access this function.
Fiscal devices enable your company to comply with certain governmental fiscal reporting requirements. To ensure that consumption taxes, where applicable, get recorded and reported, you can configure Aloha POS terminals to pass sales data through a sales recording module (SRM) which provides SRM-generated receipts to your customers. The SRM intercepts the data and adds a fiscal transaction ID and bar code to the bottom of each receipt. The SRM keeps a record and then produces periodic sales summary reports to comply with government regulations.
Fiscal Device tab
Use the Fiscal Device tab to configure each fiscal device and identify it to the Aloha POS system.
Group Bar: Settings
Name — Identifies the device.
Host type — Specifies the type of device to use for hosting the SRM pass through.
Terminal — Designates a POS terminal serves as a host to the fiscal device.
Custom Machine — Specifies an SRM connected to your POS system through the company intranet serves as a host to the fiscal device.
Terminal — Designates which previously defined terminal serves as the host. Required Options: You must select ‘Terminal’ as the host type to enable this option.
URL of custom machine — Identifies the URL of the device to which you wish to connect. Required Options: You must select ‘Custom machine’ as the host type to enable this option.
Port — Specifies the physical port assigned to the fiscal device.
Baud rate — Specifies the baud rate of the device. Refer to the device instructions for more information on baud rate.