Price Level
Select Maintenance > Pricing > Price Level to access this function.
The Price Level pricing method enables you to assign a common price to a group of items. Any time you have a group of like-priced items, you can use a price level to control prices for those items. For example, if you sell all medium soft drinks at the same price, regardless of the brand, you can create a price level for a ‘Medium Soft Drink’ and assign that price level to each medium soft drink item in the item database using the ‘Items,’ ‘Submenu,’ or (TS only) ‘Modifier/Exception Modifier’ functions. That price then appears on the POS terminal when a customer orders a medium soft drink. If you decide to change the price of your medium soft drinks, simply change the price of the ‘Medium Soft Drink’ price level, and every item assigned this price level changes accordingly.
Price Level tab
Use the Price Level tab to control prices for select items.
Group Bar: Identification
Name — Identifies the price level. Type a maximum of 30 characters.
Default price — Indicates the price to charge for each item assigned the price level.
Group Bar: Constraints
Minimum price — Indicates the lowest price a store can assign, if they override the current price level. This option is read-only when you log in as a store-level employee.
Maximum price — Indicates the highest price a store can assign, if they override the current price level. This option is read-only when you are logged in as a store-level employee.
Allow site override — Enables each store to change the price of the item using the Price Changes function. If you clear this option, store-level operators can view the price, but they cannot change the price. This check box is available at the ‘corporate level’ only.