Store > Store Settings tab > Token Distribution group
Select Maintenance > Business > Store to access the Store function. The Store function enables you to configure default system settings for your store. The system automatically creates a store record during the system installation/import process and the function separates options in this record into groups, based on the area of the Aloha POS system affected by your selections. Select the Token Distribution group located at the bottom of the screen.
Token Distribution group (QS only)
Use the Token Distribution group to define requirements for token dispensers. The Token Interface enables you to automatically dispense tokens based on the sales amount the guest purchases. You can easily interface the Token dispensing hardware and Aloha security key access, through the touch screen terminal to distribute the correct number of tokens, eliminating the need to manually calculate the number of tokens because the Aloha system does it for you.
You can also define what appears on FOH messages, which helps you in troubleshooting and provides guidance when the TODD token hardware stalls or does not operate correctly. Additionally, you can define the number of seconds to wait before the messages appear.
The system calculates the number of tokens to dispense on a variety of levels, starting with a global setting that affects all items across the board. You can alter the calculation at the item level and the promotion level to override the number of tokens to dispense.
Use the options in the Token Distribution group to define:
- The use of token dispensers and the sales amount guests must spend to receive a token.
- Messages that appear when the machine is dispensing, empty, jammed, or paused.
- Values for when the machine times out.
Group Bar: Distribution (QS only)
Enable token distribution — Activates the Token Distribution feature. Related Options: Selecting this option enables all other options in this group.
Amount a customer must spend to receive one token — Specifies the dollar amount the guest must spend to receive a token. The formula is based on the subtotal of items, and rounds down to the next whole dollar. Required Option: You must select ‘Enable token distribution’ to enable this option.
Group Bar: Dispensing status messages for POS (QS only)
You must select ‘Enable token distribution’ to enable this group bar and its options.
Dispensing — Shows the message prompt that appears while the dispenser is dispensing tokens, such as ‘Token dispensing.’ Type a maximum of 80 characters.
Empty — Shows the message prompt that appears when the dispenser is empty, such as ‘Please check token dispenser. It may empty.’ Type a maximum of 80 characters.
Jammed — Shows the message prompt that appears when the dispenser is jammed, such as ‘Please check token dispenser for possible jam.’ Type a maximum of 80 characters.
Pause — Shows the message prompt that appears when the dispenser pauses, such as ‘Please remove all tokens from coin holder.’ Type a maximum of 80 characters.
Next guest — Shows the message prompt that appears when the dispenser is ready for the next guest, such as ‘Please place cup for next guest.’ Type a maximum of 80 characters.
Group Bar: Set Dispensing device controller
You must select ‘Enable token distribution’ to enable this group bar and its options.
Number of seconds allowed before signaling out of tokens — Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait before signaling that the dispenser is out of tokens.
Number of seconds allowed before signaling jam — Specifies the maximum number of seconds before signaling that the dispenser is jammed.
Number of tokens dispensed before stopping and displaying pause message — Specifies the number of tokens to dispense before showing the ‘pause message.’ This allows you to remove one cup and put in a different cup.